Happy New Year! Top 5 Things We're Thankful For in 2015
Dear Family and Friends,
Happy New Year! Hope you had a wonderful Holiday season this year with family, friends, and loved ones.
2015 was an adventurous and eventful year. We're so thankful for all that God has provided and the opportunities that we've been given and for everyone who made this a great year.
Here are the top 6 things we're thankful for in 2015:
1. #FaithFirst:
Christie got baptized at Epic Church. We both continued to grow our faith together attending church together on Sundays and reading the daily scriptures. No matter what happens in life both good and bad, we both want to remember that God continues to provide and makes everything possible. It's never about us, but rather about how we use our God given gifts and blessings to serve others.
2. Family celebrations:
Brian's brother Dan got married and we welcomed a gracious, spunky, and fun sister-in-law Carrie! Welcome to the family, Carrie!
Our witty, thoughtful, and artistically gifted niece Crystal turning 5. We celebrated her birthday in Hawaii via a Finding Nemo themed birthday party with many kindergarteners.
Our beloved goddaughter Bailey turning 2. She is growing up to be an active and charming young lady who goes for what she wants!
We are thankful for the opportunity to spend quality time over the holiday with both sides of our families in Orange County and Hawaii.
3. We became homeowners this summer and rented out our property as landlords! Real estate investing is a joint venture we are both excited about and hope to continue growing over the years.
4. The year of Higher Ed:
Brian was accepted at UCLA and National University of Singapore's Executive MBA program, where he will be studying with his classmates in Los Angeles, Singapore, Shanghai, and India.
Christie taught at 2 universities, and discovered how much she loves teaching and developing her students.
Education is life long. Keep learning, and never stop being curious.
5. Volunteering at an NGO in Tanzania was truly a life changing experience for Christie.
In other news, it is both with excitement and bittersweetness that in the next couple of weeks, we are officially leaving this beautiful city, San Francisco, we've called home for 11 and 5 years.
Stay tuned for details in the coming weeks!
Brian & Christie